YEMEN Press Agency

Governor of Hadramout calls on tribes to confront coalition

HADRAMOUT, 05 (YPA) – The governor of Hadramout, appointed by Sana’a government, Luqman Baras, called on the tribes in the province to confront the US-backed Saudi-led coalition and drive it out of the province.

The governor condemned the storming house of citizen, Mujahid al-Haiqi by coalition factions in the city of Mukalla, and his arrest with eight members of his family, including four children.

Luqman Baras, said: “this incident is a link in the chain of violations that the people of Hadramaot are subjected to by the occupation forces”, pointing out that the storming of houses and violation of sanctities in Hadramaot is an attempt to silence mouths so as not to move against the coalition.

He considered storming the houses as an attempt to pave the way and stabilize the occupation, stressing that there are no solutions except the exit of the occupying forces from Yemen.