YEMEN Press Agency

STC factions declare to carry out military attack in Abyan

ABYAN, Aug 14 (YPA) – UAE-affiliated Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions announced the implementation of a joint operation in a number of districts of Abyan and Shabwa provinces.

Sources famiiewr with the matter reported that the “infantry” factions of the STC will participate during the coming days in the new military operation against al-Qaeda backed by Islah Party’s elements in the areas between the two provinces.

This came after the STC’s factions took control of the Wadi Jenin Mountains during the past hours, after tightening their control over the strategic sites of Al-Hajla, between Abyan and Shabwa, which terrorist elements used to take as their camp.

The STC’s engineering teams managed to dismantle large networks of mines and explosive devices, which they were planted in the valley and mountains of Omran and Jenin areas of Mudiya of Abyan, designated to target the vehicles of the STC factions.