YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed STC announces first move to overthrow pro-coalition government in Aden

ADEN, June 19 (YPA) – A popular body loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) announced on Monday its first move to overthrow the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition in the city of Aden, southern Yemen.

The so-called “Southern People’s Oversight Body” confirmed in a tweet on Twitter that it is seeking to organize the largest mass protests in Aden to expel the pro-coalition government, headed by Moeen Abdulmalik, accused of corruption, without specifying the date.

This comes after the body headed by Hussein Hanshi issued a statement last Friday banning the head of the “government” from entering Aden due to corruption cases and accusing the latter of waging an economic and service war against the people of the city and the rest of the southern and eastern provinces.