YEMEN Press Agency

STC militia use “hostages” system in Abyan

ABYAN, March 12 (YPA) – The UAE-affiliated “Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia introduced on Saturday a “hostages” system to solve citizens’ issues in Abyan province, south of Yemen.

Southern media sources stated that Fadl Ba’ish, a leader of the STC militia, appointed by the coalition as a commander of the so-called “special forces”, took 6 hostages, 3 citizens from Al Mansour tribe, and 3 others from Bashir al-Walidi tribe, in the absence of authorities of state in halves to citizens and resolving cases, since the beginning of the second half of 2015.

The sources, quoting tribal leaders, indicated that Ba’ish placed the six hostages in the prison of the militia camp in Zanzibar district, the center of the province. These sterile measures were ridiculed by a number of jurists without applying Yemeni law.

The coalition militia followed the method of hostages from the tribes of the southern provinces due to its inability to manage the security file in the areas under its control.