YEMEN Press Agency

Russia: It is the right time for removal of nuclear weapons from Western and Eastern Europe

SANAA, March 02 (YPA) – Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva said it is  the right time for the removal of nuclear weapons from Western and Eastern Europe and elsewhere.

This came during an exclusive statement to Al Mayadeen on Tuesday.

In his statement, Gatilov touched on the negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegation in the Gomel region in Belarus, hoping that it will be a starting point for a political solution between the two sides.

He confirmed that the US has deployed military bases all over the world and supplied them with nuclear weapons, which causes a threat to Russia’s security.

Gatilov pointed out that Moscow has been asking Washington for a long time to remove these weapons from Russia’s borders.

He stressed that Washington could not remove Russia from the Human Rights Council or the Security Council.

Regarding the Human Rights Council, he said the United Nations General Assembly would guarantee the approval of two-thirds of its members to vote in favor of suspending Russia from the Human Rights Council.