YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi meets tribal delegations from Jawf, Marib

SANAA, Feb. 01 (YPA) – The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, on Tuesday met with a delegation from the tribes of Khub Washa’af, Al-Yatama, and Dahm of Jawf province, and a delegation from Al-Abdiyah tribes of Marib provinces.

In the meeting, Sayyed Abdulmalik affirmed keenness to establish security, stability, understanding and brotherhood among the people of Jawf.

He called for general reconciliation and the cooperation between the official and popular sides to resolve the problems, expressing his happiness with all the visits and meetings that establish brotherhood and cooperation among the Yemeni people.