YEMEN Press Agency

Shabwa hospitals receives dozens of pro-coalition wounded fighters

SHABWA, Dec. 30 (YPA) – Dozens of wounded fighters loyal to Saudi-led coalition were received by the Ataq Hospital in Shabwa province on Thursday in a way that exceeded the hospital’s capacity, medical sources said.

The sources indicated that Shabwa’s new governor, appointed by the coalition, directed the private hospitals to receive the wounded based on the proposal of the health office in the province.

During the past hours, ambulances transported many scorched corpses of the coalition militants to the Ataq Hospital’s refrigerator, in addition to dozens of wounded people from Markha, Usailan and Bayhan areas.

Due to the increase in the number of wounded, Ataq Hospital launched urgent appeals to donate blood in order to rescue the wounded.

Shabwa province has been witnessing since this afternoon fierce military confrontations between the National Salvation Government forces on one side and the Saudi-led coalition forces and UAE-backed militias on the other.