YEMEN Press Agency

US Senate supports Trump impeachment trial

SANAA, Feb. 10 (YPA) – The US Senate voted to move forward with former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday, with a vote of 56 to 44, the  AFP reported.

According to the AFP, The United States Senate agreed to move forward with former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday, with a majority of senators determining they have jurisdiction to place former presidents on trial in cases of impeachment.

By a vote of 56 to 44, the Senate rejected arguments by Trump’s attorneys, who asserted that holding an impeachment trial of a former president is unconstitutional.

Six Republicans joined all 50 Democratic senators in voting to move forward with the trial. But the vote also served as an indication of Trump’s eventual acquittal, since 17 GOP senators would need to vote with Democrats in order to convict him.

President Trump’s historic trial began Tuesday on charges of inciting violence and storming the Capitol last month to be the first former president to be tried in the Senate.

Five people, including a police officer, were killed in the attack on the Capitol, which was carried out by Trump supporters.

Trump faces one article of impeachment for “incitement of insurrection” for his conduct leading up to the attack on the Capitol on January 6. The House impeached Trump on January 13, when he was still in office.