YEMEN Press Agency

Corona deaths around the world exceed 2 million cases

SANAA, Feb. 7 (YPA) – The death toll from the “Covid-19” epidemic around the world has exceeded two million and 309 thousand people, and the number of infections that have been recorded since the start of the epidemic has reached about 106 million.
According to the latest figures and statistics from Johns Hopkins University, issued on Sunday, the death toll in the United States, which tops the list of the most affected countries, has risen to more than 462,000 cases, and the total number of injuries has reached about 27 million.
Brazil occupies the second place in the list of the most affected countries, with more than 230,000 deaths and about 9.5 million injuries since the start of the epidemic, followed by Mexico, where the total deaths due to the outbreak of the epidemic reached about 166,000 cases, and the number of injuries exceeded one million and 926 thousand.
In India, which ranks fourth, the Corona virus has claimed the lives of about 155 thousand people, and the death toll has so far exceeded 10.8 million cases.
In Britain, the European Union country most affected by the outbreak of the epidemic, the death toll reached more than 112,000 cases, and more than 3.9 million injuries were recorded, followed by Italy, which ranks sixth in the list of the most affected countries, in which the death toll has exceeded 91 thousand, and has so far recorded more than Two million and 625 thousand injuries.

France ranks seventh in terms of the number of deaths, where the Corona virus has claimed the lives of about 79 thousand people, and more than 3 million and 376 thousand cases of the virus have been recorded so far.

Russia ranks eighth in the list of the most affected countries in terms of the number of deaths, as the death toll has exceeded 75,000 cases, and the death toll has risen to more than 3.9 million since the outbreak began.

Germany has recorded about 62 thousand deaths since the start of the epidemic, and the death toll has reached more than two million and 941 thousand injuries.