YEMEN Press Agency

Hadi forces arrest number of STC militias in Shabwah

SHABWAH, Feb. 1 (YPA) – Hadi’s forces and Islah militias carried out raids against dozens of the UAE-backed southern Transitional Council militants in Yemen’s Shabwah province, local sources said on late Sunday.

According to local sources, Islah forces kidnapped Abdulrahman Shakh Bahaj, a member of the “Shabwani Elite” militia at ‘Al-Ramdah’ point in Habban district.

In the past three days, the al-Islah militia has kidnapped five young people from the same  and their fate remains unknown, all of whom belong to the STC militias

Dozens of Shabwah sons and those opposed to the presence of Hadi’s forces in the province are held in secret detention facilities and, according to local sources, are subjected to all kinds of torture and abuse.