YEMEN Press Agency

Haniyeh: The maneuver is a ‘message of strength and unity’

SANAA, Dec. 30 (YPA) – Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Political Bureau of Hamas paid praised the Joint Operations Room, which carried out Tuesday’s “Al-Rukn Al-Shadeed ”  military exercise in the Gaza Strip.


“We pay tribute to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, which today carried out the extreme cornering exercise,” he said in a press statement.


“This maneuver predicts and shape of the future work of the factions through the Joint Operations Room,” Haniyeh said, stressing that our people are committed to the option of resistance, whether in accumulating power, working or developing tools and means of resistance.


Haniyeh stressed that the military exercise represents a message of strength, a message of unity of the resistance factions in the Gaza Strip, which embraces this project.

It is an affirmation of the permanent readiness of our men and heroes all the time and time, and that our people are already based on a strong corner, and today they have the will power and the elements and tools of power, he said.


He added: This maneuver, which is the first of its kind among the resistance factions and is an affirmation of the unity on the ground in the choice of strategic resistance, and the readiness of the factions for any developments by the enemy within the framework of the theory of deterrence established by the resistance.