YEMEN Press Agency

Trump rejects Corona relief bill passed by Congress

SANAA, Dec. 23 (YPA) –  The outgoing US President Donald Trump on Wednesday rejected the congressional plan for economic recovery affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, and demanded amendments to it.
Trump said in a video posted on his Twitter account, speaking from the White House: “I ask Congress to amend this law, and to increase the ridiculously low amount (direct payment) to $ 2000 or $ 4000 for a couple.”
He added, “I also ask Congress to immediately get rid of the wasted and unnecessary clauses of this legislation, and send me an appropriate bill, otherwise the next administration will have to present a relief package from Covid-19.”
He continued, “Perhaps that administration is me, and we will accomplish it.”
Before Trump’s speech, all indications and expectations were that the president intended to sign the Covid-19 relief bill, as soon as he arrives at his office, possibly later this week.