YEMEN Press Agency

Army’s Rocketry force attacks militias’ sites in West cost

TAIZ, May 23 (YPA) – Rocketry and artillery force of  the Yemeni army continued to strike the Saudi-led Coalition-backed  militias’ gatherings in Taiz province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency on Wednesday.

The Rocketry force fired a missile, Zilzal-2, toward gatherings of militias in west coast, as well as the artillery force shelled several militias’ sites in the same front, inflicting them heavy casualties, the official said.

On the other hand, medical sources in Aden province said  the authority, backed to the coalition, intends to transfer a number of militias’ leaders who were injured in west coast battles for treatment abroad, because of the lack of health possibilities suffered by hospitals in Aden in light of the overcrowding of hospitals with wounded gunmen Who are brought from the West Coast fronts

The authorities in Aden do not give the wounded soldiers any attention, while unfair attention to the injured leaders, the medical sources added.