YEMEN Press Agency

Libya: Al-Sarraj gives up resignation decision

SANAA, Oct. 31 (YPA) –

The head of the Presidency Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord, Fayez al-Sarraj, announced, on Friday, his retreat from his resignation, which was scheduled at the end of this October.

Al-Sarraj decided to abandon his resignation in response to local and international calls, to avoid a political vacuum, he said.

The head of the Libyan Supreme Council of State, Khaled Al-Mashri, called on Al-Sarraj to continue performing his duties until the choice of his successor to avoid any political vacuum.
Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas urged Al-Sarraj to postpone his decision on leaving power at the end of October to another time to ensure the continuation of the talks that began after the ceasefire agreement.
In September, Al-Sarraj announced his intention to step down by the end of October, saying he was willing to leave his post in favor of a new executive determined by peace talks in Morocco.