YEMEN Press Agency

STC sends more military reinforcements to Abyan

ABYAN, Aug. 27 (YPA) -On Thursday, the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) sent military reinforcements to Abyan province, Sothern Yemen. Local sources said.

The “5th support Brigade ” loyal to the STC dispatched new military reinforcements to Abyan province, including heavy and medium-sized vehicles as well as various weapons.

Commander of the “Fifth Brigade” Mokhtar Al-Nawbi, said that the reinforcements came on the orders of Aydros Zubeidi, president of the Southern Transitional Council, who directed to strengthen the fronts of Abyan and raising combat readiness and preparing for “zero hour in all the southern borders”, he said.

In addition, local sources said that an Emirati team, which arrived two days ago in Aden and is currently residing at the presidential palace in al-Tawahi city, supervised the dispatch of recent reinforcements to the fronts of tension between the STC and the “Hadi government.”

Dozens of Emirati vehicles and hundreds of local fighters were seen leaving Aden through the al-Alam port, heading for the front lines in Abyan, according to the sources.

Abyan province is witnessing sporadic battles between al-Transitional on the one hand and al-Islah militias on the other.