YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni Union of Trainers and Consultants announced in Sana’a

SANAA, May 12 (YPA) – The Yemeni Union of Trainers and Consultants on Saturday held publicity ceremony in Sana’a sponsored by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, and the People’s Social Development Foundation, which aims to ensure the quality and development of training standards and trainers in Yemen.

In the event, Director of the Office of Social Affairs and Labour of the Secretariat of the Capital Majeeb al- Fattash noted that the Union represented a qualitative addition in training, building the capacity of Yemeni youth to enhance their scientific and cognitive perceptions.

The Yemeni Union of Trainers and consultants aims to organize and prepare the training profession in Yemen according to global professional standards.

It also aims to raise the competence and skill of trainers and providing scientific and technical services, consultancy, studies and research in the areas of training.