YEMEN Press Agency

Kuwait: Number of people infected with Corona virus exceeds 52,000

SANAA, July 8 (YPA) – The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that it confirmed that 762 people had contracted the new “Corvid-19” virus, recorded 593 cases of recovery, and the death of people living with the virus, During the past twenty-four hours.

According to the ministry, the total number of infections in the country, after monitoring the new cases, reached 52007 cases, and 379 deaths, while the cases of recovering from the virus infection reached 42108.

The total number of cases receiving treatment in Kuwaiti hospitals reached 9520, and the total number of cases in intensive care is 161.

Kuwait comes in sixth place for Arab countries, and 32nd in the world, with the number of injuries as “Covid 19”.