YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of Palestinian civilians wounded in occupied West Bank

SANAA, June 20 (YPA) – Ten Palestinian civilians were injured by live bullets and rubber-coated metal in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation with tear gas during the suppression of the Israeli occupation forces on Friday an anti-settlement rally in the occupied West Bank.

The coordinator of the Popular Resistance in the village of Kafr Qaddum Murad Shtaiwi stated in a statement carried by the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) that the occupation forces suppressed the weekly march, and fired live and metal bullets and sound bombs, which led to the injury of two citizens with live bullets who were taken to the hospital and eight with rubber-coated metal bullets, in addition Dozens of people suffocated by tear gas.
The participants chanted the national slogans condemning the occupation and its racist policies, the latest of which was the decision to seize 160 dunums of Qalqilya governorate in the occupied West Bank.