YEMEN Press Agency

12 Afghan forces killed in Taliban attack

SANAA, June 17 (YPA) – Afghan authorities announced on Wednesday that 12 elements were killed in a military police station in the northern province of Jowzjan, as a result of a Taliban attack.

Abdul Marouf Azar, a spokesman for Jowzjan province, said that the Taliban militants attacked the Balai Hissar military outpost in Aujah region.

In a press statement, he mentioned the killing of 12, the wounding of five, and the kidnapping of four Afghan forces due to the attack on the aforementioned outpost.

The Afghan spokesman said that the clashes that broke out during the attack also resulted in the killing of five and the wounding of 10 Taliban militants.

He indicated that the reinforcements that arrived in the area contributed to repelling the attack and removing the gunmen.

The Taliban did not comment on the attack as of 7:45 GMT.