YEMEN Press Agency

UN issues statement on Libya’s recent developments

SANAA, June 7 (YPA) – The United Nations Mission in Libya issued on Sunday a statement on the recent developments in the Arab country.
“The tragedies that occurred in Libya within a year and a half confirmed that any war between the Libyans is a losing war and there will be no real victors in it, but rather huge losses for everyone,” the statement said.

“The political solution to the long-standing Libyan crisis is still within reach, and the mission is ready, as it has always been, to conduct a political process that includes everyone led by the Libyans and takes control of them,” the statement continued.

“One of the encouraging signs of this is the recent calls by Libyan leaders to resume such talks aimed at ending the fighting and division, which will pave the way for a comprehensive political solution based on the Libyan political agreement and within the framework of the conclusions of the Berlin Conference and Security Council Resolution 2510.
“For the talks to resume in good faith, the sound of weapons must be silenced, and in light of this, the mission welcomes the calls made by international and regional actors in recent days to the immediate cessation of hostilities in Libya,” the statement continued.
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya expressed its “deep dissatisfaction with the damage caused to the civilian population by the cycle of violence in Libya, and the recent military moves in Greater Tripoli and mortgaging to new waves of displacement have caused suffering to more than 16,000 Libyans in The past few days. ”
The mission noted in the statement that “reports received of the discovery of a number of bodies in Tarhuna Hospital are very disturbing, and we have called on the authorities of the National Accord Government to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation, and we have received many reports of looting and destruction of public and private property in Tarhuna and Al-Asaba.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya expressed its “deep dissatisfaction with the damage caused to the civilian population by the cycle of violence in Libya, and the recent military moves in Greater Tripoli and mortgaging to new waves of displacement have caused suffering to more than 16,000 Libyans in The past few days. ”
The mission noted in the statement that “reports received of the discovery of a number of bodies in Tarhuna Hospital are very disturbing, and we have called on the authorities of the National Accord Government to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation, and we have received many reports of looting and destruction of public and private property in Tarhuna and Al-Asaba.