YEMEN Press Agency

Protest holds in front of presidency denouncing Tahrir massacre

SANAA, May 8 (YPA) – The Civil Society, Human Rights Unit and Women for Rights and Development Organizations organized on Tuesday a protest in front of the presidential office denouncing the crime of targeting the presidential office in the al-Tahrir district in the Yemeni capital of  Sana’a.

The protesters considered this crime and others committed by the Saudi-led coalition as a blot on the face of international community and Yemeni people will not forget for generations.

They also confirmed that this crime amount to a war crime, and it is genocide against Yemen civilians as well as an apparent violation of the international humanitarian and human rights laws.

Women’s Rights and Development Organization denounced the appalling crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemenis, and the violations reflect the arrogance of the states of Saudi-led aggression.

The organization called on all the Yemeni people to unite to defend the Security, stability, and sovereignty of Yemen.