YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of Hadi forces captured by STC in Abyan

ABYAN, May 17 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional (STC) Militia captured on Saturday in Abyan province more than 20 armed men belonging to Hadi’s forces and the Al-Islah Party, military sources said.

According to the sources, the STC militias also seized tanks and heavy weapons held by Islah militants during the clashes between the two sides in the Occupied Province of Abyan.

The sources indicated that among the prisoners who fell into the hands of the STCT, are  a military commanders of Hadi’s forces, including  Brig. Gen. Saif al-Qafish, commander of the 115th Infantry Brigade.

The prisoners have been taken to unknown locations, likely to be held in secret prisons in the occupied territories of Aden, the sources said.

Violent clashes in the town of Shoqra, Abyan province, between Hadi’s forces and the STC militia left dozens dead and wounded, most of them from  Hadi and al-Islah militias.