YEMEN Press Agency

17 killed as result of armed attack in Democratic Republic of Congo

SANAA, April 25 (YPA) – At least 17 people were killed as a result of an attack by gunmen on a vehicle carrying civilians near Virunga National Reserve, in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
On Friday, the Congo Institute for Nature Conservation announced that the attackers, near the main part of the National Reserve in Camp Romangabo, had fired on a vehicle carrying civilians.

The institute added that the guards of the reserve rushed to provide assistance to the injured, and that at least 12 guards, the vehicle commander and four civilians were killed during the attack, and four other people were wounded.

Jonas Pandassi, one of the country’s civil society leaders, blamed the Hutu militia in Rwanda for the attack.

The Virunga National Reserve, which is located on the border with Uganda and Rwanda, is world famous, as it is dedicated to protecting the gorillas, who only live in this region.