YEMEN Press Agency

International air transport loses 1,2 billion passengers due to Corona

SANAA, April 23 (YPA) – The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) announced on Wednesday evening that the catastrophic repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on the air transport sector may lead, by next September, to reducing the number of passengers on international flights by 1.2 billion passengers compared to their number in normal circumstances .

According to “Agence France Presse,” the United Nations organization said in a statement that “the total number of international air passengers may decrease by 1.2 billion passengers by September 2020.”

“The largest drop in passenger numbers will be in Europe, especially during the high summer season, followed by the Asia Pacific region,” the organization expected.

According to the statement, the international ability of airlines may witness a significant decrease in turn, which will lead to a decrease in the revenues of these companies by $ 160 billion, bringing the total revenue in the first nine months of the year to $ 253 billion.

In February, when the epidemic was still concentrated in China, the organization expected that the new Corona virus would lead to a “potential decline of $ 4 billion to $ 5 billion” in airline revenue worldwide.