YEMEN Press Agency

British Queen leaves Buckingham Palace to protect her from “Corona”

SANAA, March 15 (YPA) –  Queen of Britain left on Sunday Buckingham Palace due to fears of infection with the Coronavirus, according to Media reports.

Reports said Queen Elizabeth, 93, was transferred to Windsor Castle for her safety.
According to the British newspaper, “The Sun”, a royal source said: “The Queen is in good health, but it was thought that it would be better to move her.” Many of its employees are slightly alarmed by the coronavirus. ”
The source added: “The palace was hosting a steady stream of visitors, including politicians and eminent personalities from all over the world.”
The source continued: “There have been no specific concerns or positive tests so far, but no one wants to risk.”
According to the newspaper, there are plans to put the Queen and Prince Philip, 98, in quarantine at Sandringham Palace if the disease worsens.
Britain announced on Sunday the death of ten other people, which raised the number of deaths in the United Kingdom to 21 cases, with a significant increase in cases from 342 to 1140 cases.
Buckingham Palace is located in central London and also has more staff compared to other royal palaces, so it is a more dangerous location.