YEMEN Press Agency

Ibb affirms continuing to back fronts

IBB, March 10 (YPA) –Tribes and sheikhs of Odain district of Ibb province confirmed on Tuesday in a tribal rally the full preparedness to back the Yemeni army in the battle fronts with fighters and food convoy.

At the rally, the participants indicated the importance of continuing at a public mobilization in defense of the country, its security, stability, sovereignty and independence.

They stressed the need to stand united and enhance the internal front to confront the Saudi-led aggression coalition and its plots that target Yemen.

The attendees praised the great triumpths made by the Yemeni army agains the aggression forces and its mercanreis in all fronts.

The rally condemned a flawed position of the United Nations envoy and his interventions in the Yemeni affairs without achieving any progress in the political process or implementation of the Stockholm Agreement.