YEMEN Press Agency

STC reinforces its forces in Abyan

ABYAN, March 8 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) continues its military mobilization in Abyan province, southern Yemen, in preparation for a new round of armed confrontations with Hadi’s forces in the province, sources reported on Sunday.

Local sources in Abyan confirmed that a “transitional” reinforced its armed groups in Zanzibar, the capital of the province, by moving units from the “support and backup brigades” to Wadi Hassan.

The sources confirmed the STC reinforced its armed groups in Zingbar city, the capital of the province, by moving units from the so-called “support and backup brigades” to Wadi Hassan area, southeast of the city.

The STC’s reinforcements included vehicles, troop carriers and food supplies, the sources added.

According to observers, the transitional council seeks to control Abyan and then Shabwa under the pretext of securing the two provinces from Islah Party militants, and preventing Hadi’s government from expanding south in case it lost the control of Marib province.