YEMEN Press Agency

Iran’s Foreign Minister comments on US peace deal with Taliban

SANAA, March 3 (YPA) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has commented on the recent peace deal signed between the United States and the Taliban movement, after nearly two years of protracted negotiations in the Qatari capital of Doha.

Javad Zarif wrote that “Now, after 19 years of humiliation, the United States has offered to surrender in Afghanistan.”

“The American occupiers should never have invaded Afghanistan,” Zarif said. “But they did, and then blamed others for the consequences of it.”

He continued: “Whether in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or Yemen, the US is the problem . They will leave [eventually], but always leave a huge mess behind.”

After a year of intense talks, the United States and the Taliban on Saturday signed a peace agreement to end the war in Afghanistan.