YEMEN Press Agency

2 children injured in coalition’s bombing on Hodeidah

SANAA, Feb. 28 (YPA) – At least two children were wounded by the fire of Saudi-led coalition forces, which continue to violate the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency on Friday.

A child was injured by artillery shells of the aggression coalition forces in al-Suwaiq area of al-Tuhita district, while little girl was seriously wounded due the coalition mercenaries’ shelling on al-Jabaliya area of the same district, the official elaborated.

The coalition forces carried out extensive combing by various machine guns on northeast of Hays district, and fired more than 13 mortar shells at separate locations of Kilo 16 area and the 50th Street, and two other mortar shells towards the city of Hodeidah.

The official added that a military bulldozer of the aggression coalition forces established combat fortifications south of the 50th Street, while the coalition artillery bombed separate places in the Kilo 16 area.

He pointed out that 12 artillery shells hit al-Shajan and al-Kuei villages in the outskirts of the besieged al-Durayhimi city.