YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Makhlaifi calls on Taiz militants to leave Saudi border

TAIZ, Aug. 31 (YPA) – A top leader in Islah party (The Yemeni branch of Muslim brotherhood) Hamoud Saeed al-Mikhlafi on Saturday called on fighters of the Taiz province who are fighting on the southern border of Saudi Arabia, to withdraw and “quickly return to Taiz.”

In a statement released by his information office, Al-Makhlafi said arrangements were being made to receive soldiers returning from the Southern Border of Saudi Arabia and to include them in the ranks of the so-called the national army and the resistance.

Clashes are taking place in the kingdom’s southern border between Saudi forces and Yemeni army and popular committees.

“The return back of soldiers from the southern border is a sacred and indisputable national duty,” he said.

He called on the military leaders in the exiled Hadi government to “maintain their full readiness and raise morale and combat in preparation for the requirements of the next stage.”

Dozens of demonstrators went out yesterday in demonstrations following Friday prayers in Taiz to reject the UAE presence in Yemen and call for its expulsion from the coalition.