YEMEN Press Agency

Fierce clashes erupt between “Islah militias and Abu al-Abbas groups” in Taiz

TAIZ, Aug. 16 (YPA) – Fierce clashes continued between the Islah militias and the UAE-backed “Abu al-Abbas” groups in the western province of Taiz, informed sources told Yemen press Agency on Friday.

According to the sources,the violent clashes broke out on Thursday afternoon between the two sides, during which the RBG missiles and heavy machine guns were used.

The sources said that the clashes broke out after the arrival of the leader of the Islah party “Mansour al-Kakhli” director of security of Taiz province, to the city of Turbah accompanied by more than 10 military pickups in order to force ” the security director of al-Shamayatain district, Abdul Karim al-Samiei” to hand over the security department, after the latter refused his dismissal orders issued by al-Akhli.

The sources confirmed the arrival of other military pickups from the “Al-Sa’alik Brigade” of the Al-Islah Party in order to strengthen their militias as a result of their militias clashed with Abu al-Abbas group in al-Shamaitin district.

They added that the clashes led to the suspension of all aspects of life in the city of Turbah, the closure of shops and causing a state of terror due to the confrontations between the two parties.