YEMEN Press Agency

4 soldiers killed in southern border fronts: Saudi Media

SANAA, July 7 (YPA) – Saudi media on Saturday admitted the death of four of its soldiers in a confrontation with Yemeni army in border fronts.

The Saudi media confirmed that the Yemeni army forces have killed four Saudi soldiers when they launched an attack on several positions in southern border fronts their names as the following:

1) – Ali Mohammed Qais Al-Olayan

2) – Abdullah bin Mohsen Nimer Samoudah Al-Mahri

3) – Walid bin Awad Al Harbi

4) – Majed Abdullah bin Fahd bin Aldmasi

The army forces are frequently engaged in clashes with Saudi soldiers on the kingdom’s borders, carrying out ground incursions, resulting in casualties among Saudi forces.

The kingdom’s southern border with Yemen is one of the bloodiest fronts for Saudi forces.