YEMEN Press Agency

Gangs loyal to coalition steal crude oil from Shabwa fields

SHABWA, March 4 (YPA) – An oil exploration company in Shabwa province has complained that a gang adhering to a military commander loyal to Saudi-led coalition stole crude oil from the company’s pipes in Asilan district.

“We were surprised by the release of the gang members who were arrested late in last month by the company’s security protection officer in the district,” Jannah Hunt” oil company said in a memorandum it raised to the Yemeni Company for Oil and Mineral Investments.

The Jannah Hunt company indicated that when it communicated with the security officer to denounce the release of the gang members, he replied that he had received a call from sheikhs of the area telling him that they have orders from the so-called “107th Brigade” loyal to the coalition, which supervises the protection of the oil companies located under the control of Hadi’s militia.

The operations of stealing crude oil from oil fields and pipes in the provinces of Shabwa, Hadramout and Marib and selling it to benefit from its revenues have activated recently.

