YEMEN Press Agency

Leaked documents show prominent foreign terrorists in charge of UAE occupation force

ADEN,Feb. 20(YPA) – Leaked documents and photos from Riyadh have revealed that among the decisions that were issued by the exiled Hadi, there is the appointment and promotion of 44 prominent militia and political leaders with criminal record, and leaders of ISIS who were included in the militias affiliated to the UAE occupation in the city of Aden.

The documents pointed out that a number of people called upon to assist the director of the “security of Aden” loyal to the UAE, have practiced the worst types of crimes against the people of the southern provinces, but have nevertheless been granted military ranks of Lieutenant, Captain and even Major.

According to the documents, the appointees included a person named Robert Khaili Andrew Diamond, one of the foreign recruits who came to assist the UAE occupation and was promoted to the rank of First lieutenant.

According to the Southern secret prison platform, Robert is a foundling and was adopted by an expatriate citizen of the United States of America, who brought him from America to Aden earlier, as he appeared in the photograph wearing clothes displaying the American flag.

The document indicated that he was granted the Yemeni nationality after 2015, following the appointment of Shallal Shaye to the position of Director of the Aden Security Department, loyal to the Saudi-led invaders.