YEMEN Press Agency

Security services arrest gang specializing in stealing motorcycles in Dhamar

DHAMAR, Dec. 19 (YPA) – The security services in Dhamar Province on Tuesday were able to arrest a most dangerous gang of stealing motorcycles, led by an owner of a workshop in a city neighborhood, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.

Colonel Mohammed Al-Khatib, director of the Criminal Investigation Department in Dhamar province, said in a statement to YPA that the Investigation department with cooperation of the citizens managed to arrest the most dangerous gang specialized in stealing motorcycles.

The arrested man has confessed to stealing 50 motorcycles from the capital Sanaa and 11 motorcycles from Dhamar province.

Al-Khatib noted that the defendant admitted that he was changing the features of the stolen bikes in his workshop and then selling them within a day or two.

The director called on all citizens to report all crimes and not cover up the suspects in order to maintain security and stability.