YEMEN Press Agency

Syrian FM comments on Bashir’s visit to Syria

SANAA, Dec. 19 (YPA) – Syrian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said on Monday that Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s visit to Damascus constitutes an additional step in breaking the siege imposed on Syria.

Al-Moallem pointed out that the blockade imposed on his country the implementation of a US plan in the face of an Israeli in fact, aims to undermine Syria, and weaken its role on the Arab and regional arena.

During a meeting with professors and students at Damascus University on Monday, Al-Moallem stressed that Syria, despite the crisis it has experienced and the conspiracy of some countries, believes deeply in During his meeting with professors and students at Damascus University, Al-Moallem said that Syria, despite the crisis it has experienced and the conspiracy of some countries, believes deeply in Arabism.

The Syrian minister pointed out that what happened in the Arab world, including Syria, was caused by the imbalance in the Arab action, which must be corrected.