YEMEN Press Agency

360 Sudanese soldiers arrive in Khokha

HODEIDAH, Nov. 22 (YPA) – About 360 Sudanese Janjaweed have arrived on Thursday in the town of Khokha from Aden province, sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources confirmed the arrival of 240 militias of the Sudanese army to the city of Khokha through 6 buses for mass transport.

The sources said that 120 Sudanese arrived in Khokha on Wednesday aboard three buses for mass transport.

The sources pointed out that the arrival of Sudanese soldiers to Khokha comes within the framework of the ongoing mobilization by the coalition forces to support them in a new escalation expected to be in the next few days, especially as the mobilization is still ongoing and there are new groups will reach Khokha successively on Friday.


Sameera Hassn