YEMEN Press Agency

Famous football player killed by UAE-backed militias in Yemen’s Abyan

ABYAN, Nov. 20 (YPA) – At least two citizens were killed and six others were injured, on Tuesday in armed clashes between Al Saleh tribes and militias loyal to the United Arab Emirates occupation forces in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan, local sources told Yemen Press Agency.

According to the local sources, the UAE occupation militias the so-called “security belt” raided a number of citizens’ houses of Al Saleh tribe in Modiea district, including the home of famous football player Fhaman Awsan al-Anbari, which caused the breaking out of clashes.

The militias started to shoot fire towards the civilians’ houses indiscriminately, killing two people and injuring six others, including three from the occupation militias.

Various types of light and medium weapons were used in the clashes, the sources added.

The sources indicated that the Al-Saleh tribesmen in Modiea blocked all roads lead to the district and set up a number of tribal armed points.