YEMEN Press Agency

Trump may pay a high political price because of his stance toward MBS over Khashoggi’s killing: CNN

SANAA, Oct. 30 (YPA) – The US CNN Network reported on Monday that President Donald Trump could pay a high political price because of his stance toward the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the case of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2.

This comes in an article by the  journalist Nick Robertson under the title, “Trump is the only one capable of solving the Khashoggi case.”

“Trump may pay a political price to keep MBS close to him, as he takes an intimate and irresponsible attitude toward Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un,” he said.

The journalist pointed out that Trump’s position on the Khashoggi case coincided with the request of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to provide specific answers to questions concerning the identity of those who gave orders to kill Khashoggi and the whereabouts of his body.