YEMEN Press Agency

Health Ministry condemns attacking MSF’s residence in DHalea

SANAA, Oct. 4 (YPA) – The Ministry of Public Health and population, on Thursday strongly condemned the attack on the residence of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) by the coalition air forces in the southern province of Dhalea.

In a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency (YPA), it said that such acts which led to the suspension of the activities of the organization and tens of thousands of patients will be deprived from health service and care especially under these difficult economic and health conditions.

The Ministry called on the organizations to continue to provide services because the poor citizen who refuses and denounced such practices, and they will be affected by the suspension of its Work.

Attacking on the residence of the MSF’s staff is not the first; the Saudi-led coalition repeatedly had bombed the health centers of Abbs and Hidan run by the MSF.