SANAA, Sep 8 (YPA) – Financial and academic reported said that the Guinean Central Bank, on which depend the financial and funding stability in this country, is menaced to being closed after smugglers from Dubai’s Unites Arab States were informed on its secrets, its finances and foreign currencies which are currently under the trading of giant Emirati smugglers.
A secret report published in the sessional ” Continent Message”, interested to publish political and economic on the African states said that these operations of smuggling caused losses for the bank, where the investigations found a $ 20 million was captured by smugglers with the consipracy of employees in the bank.
The reason behind the selection for Dubai to acheiving the collapse of the bank is according to Guinea’s experts is commercial Guinea-Dubi relations, which ensure the covering of their commercial suspected operations.
The matter which surprises the experts that Guinea ‘ funds are transmetted to Dubai in the time when the authorities know this truth, hence this matter invokes more suspection on these secret operations.
Ahmed Al-Mutawakel