YEMEN Press Agency

Military expert reveals shocking surprises on UAE-backed STC leaders

ADEN, Feb. 20 (YPA) – Southern military expert Khaled Al-Nasi revealed on Thursday exciting details and shocking accusations related to the leaders of the Southern Transitional Council supported by the UAE.

Al-Nasi explained in a post on the “X” that Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the STC president, sought the help of leaders who have no political or military background, noting that they came from “livestock, vegetable, and fruit markets,” to be imposed on the southerners as leaders and models of struggle, while the rest of the people of the south are considered followers of lower ranks, according to his expression.

Al-Nasi addressed the leaders of the STC, saying that “their attempts to beautify their image will be of no use, whether by stealing academic titles or directing the media to serve that image,” considering them “regional thieves.”

He also accused Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi, one of the prominent names in the council, of seizing financial dues for recruits within the STC factions and transferring them personally to closed leadership accounts.

Concluding his statements, Al-Nasi emphasized that the conflict between the people of the southern provinces and the STC leaders would continue until justice and equality are achieved. He described those leaders as representing an authoritarian and biased model that the rest of the Yemeni forces have not witnessed.