YEMEN Press Agency

Southern politician reveals reasons for STC head’s escape abroad

ADEN, Sept. 27 (YPA) – Head of the so-called “Southern Civil Forces Gathering”, Abdul Karim Al-Saadi, confirmed that the begging of the head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, abroad will not solve his internal crises.

“The rush to record attendance at foreign forums is not always positive for the issues,” Al-Saadi said, indicating that Al-Zubaidi works with a mentality that is not much different from the mentality of the drummers in his group.”

In his posts on “X”, Al-Saadi called on the STC to return to the interior and accept the southerners first before fleeing to foreign forums without benefiting from the mistakes of the past, away from personal desires and orientations fraught with the dangers of regional tendencies.

“The southern issue, during the STC era, had become a bag on the back of a beggar,” he stated.

Al-Saadi warned Al-Zubaidi that the future may be worse than the present if he does not wake up from the destructive desire of the authority by correcting it first within the framework of the STC.