YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas: Recent report published by ‘ProPublica’ confirms US complicity in the genocide war

GAZA, Sept. 25 (YPA) – The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, stated that the recent report from the American website “ProPublica,” revealing that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, with the complicity of President Biden, deliberately concealed the fact that the criminal Zionist entity was starving the Palestinian people in Gaza and blocking aid from entering the strip, confirms that the US administration’s complicity in the genocide war against our people, with Blinken and Biden personally involved.

“This criminal behavior by Blinken requires honorable members of the US Congress and American judicial bodies to investigate his actions, which have resulted in the killing of thousands of our people, whether through direct murder with American weapons or through complicity with the policies of starvation and deprivation carried out by the criminal Zionist entity. These actions constitute violations of the basic principles of international humanitarian law,” the group said in a statement on Wednesday.

Hamas called on international judicial institutions, foremost among them the International Criminal Court, to take these reports seriously and take legal action against Blinken, considering him complicit in the deliberate starvation and genocide war of our Palestinian people in Gaza.

