YEMEN Press Agency

External pressures push Hadramout tribes to organize vigil in central Mukalla

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 25 (YPA) – The “Popular Committee for Fulfilling the Demands of the Hadramout People” called on all citizens to participate tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, in the solidarity vigil in Mukalla city, the center of the Hadramout province.

A statement issued by the committee on Tuesday stated that the solidarity vigil is to support the demands of the “Hadramout Tribes Confederacy” and the “Hadramout Inclusive Conference” in order to extract legitimate rights.

The call for the solidarity vigil came after the head of the Hadramout Tribes Confederacy , Amr bin Habrish, received a video call on Monday from the European Union ambassador and held a meeting on Tuesday with the military attaché at the US embassy to the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

Observers believe that the committee’s call clearly confirms that bin Habrish is under American and European pressure to abandon the legitimate demands of the Hadramout people, represented in obtaining revenues from their oil wealth and achieving effective partnership with the leadership council loyal to the coalition.