YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition bans celebration of 26 September Revolution in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 23 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition countries, represented by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, banned the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the September 26 Revolution in Aden and the rest of the southern provinces.

Ministry of Defense in the coalition-backed government issued a document under the title “top secret” on Sunday, which stipulated only celebrating the Revolution the cities of Taiz and Marib, and inside Al-Anad base in Lahj province.

The document stated that all previous arrangements and instructions regarding preparations for the celebration of the revolution and raising the flags of Yemen in Aden and the rest of the coalition-held provinces have been cancelled.

This decision comes a day after the leadership of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council factions issued a circular to all factions not to hold any celebrations on the anniversary or raise the flag in Aden and the rest of the southern regions.

The September 26 Revolution had a great role in the outbreak of the October 14 Revolution against the British occupation in the south of the country during 1963.