YEMEN Press Agency

Pro- coalition official calls for “Israeli” advanced military aid to combat “Houthis”

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Sept. 19 (YPA) – A senior official in the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition has sought assistance from “Israel” to combat the Houthis, An Israeli newspaper reported on Tuesday.

According to “Israel Hayom” newspaper, the official, affiliated with President Rashad al-Alimi’s government, called for advanced military support during an exclusive interview with the paper.

The official stated that Israel should extend its hand to assist the pro-Saudi coalition government in light of increasing Houthi attacks, particularly following their missile strike on Tel Aviv last Sunday.

He emphasized that Israel’s response should include providing advanced weaponry to Al-Alimi’s ground forces, highlighting the importance of targeting key military assets, similar to the Israeli strike on the port of Hodeidah in July.

He added, “We are besieged in a struggle against the Houthis, who will only respond to overwhelming force.”

The official urged the international community to support legitimate forces in Yemen, asserting that this is the only way to eliminate the Houthis.

He also expressed dissatisfaction with the military campaign led by the United States and Britain, describing it as “largely ineffective and lacking focus.”

