YEMEN Press Agency

Official documents expose UAE’s aggressive role in Sudan

WORLD, Sept. 16 (YPA) – Official documents have exposed the UAE’s aggressive role in fueling the civil war in Sudan through extensive financial and military aid  to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The Presidency of the United Nations Security Council circulated a letter from the Permanent Mission of Sudan to the United Nations, which provided new details about the extent of the UAE’s involvement in supporting Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, which is fighting against the Sudanese army.

According to the Sudan News Agency, the letter included Emirati documents obtained inside a military vehicle seized by the armed forces after a failed attack by the RSF on the Al-Shajara military area in November 2023.

The mission extended the details of the military vehicle with chassis number VAD 2129, engine number 2222655, and model EX 300 _ISB679, which is one of the vehicles of Zayid Military City,  in addition to 6 documents classified as top secret and belonging to the Presidential Guard, Special Operations Division of the UAE Armed Forces including a list of Emirati officers and personnel, weapons, daily movement of the special operations platoon, and training for members of the special forces, with pictures of the aforementioned military vehicle.

The letter included the Sudanese government’s request for the Security Council to take appropriate measures to cease the UAE’s ongoing evil interference in Sudan’s internal affairs.

The mission explained, in its letter, that the Council’s silence and unwillingness to take any action in this regard encourages the UAE to continue its brutal aggression against Sudan, which exacerbates the suffering of civilians and undermines security and peace in Sudan and the entire region.

