YEMEN Press Agency

Dangerous phenomenon sweeps across southern, eastern Yemen, activists sound alarm

ADEN, Sept. 15 (YPA) -In recent times, areas in Yemen, which are under the control of Saudi-led coalition, have been facing a disturbing new trend driven by escalating poverty among the population.

Reports indicate that the phenomenon of marrying off girls to foreigners has become increasingly prevalent, posing significant risks to young women in southern and eastern Yemen.

Human rights activists and media representatives have raised alarms about the dangers associated with this trend.

In a post on his X social media account, Fathi Bin Lazraq has condemned the current practice, asserting that it represents “disguised prostitution” rather than legitimate marriage projects.

He called on “every Yemeni father with a shred of honor” to avoid the widespread trend of marrying off daughters to foreigners, which he likens to “a wildfire spreading uncontrollably.”

Lazraq further commented, “Marriages conducted without any personal presence or knowledge, based only on a single photo handled by intermediaries posing as ‘matchmakers,’ are treated as though they are sending a ‘sheep’ through mass transportation.”

Over the past year, several activists have warned about the increasing phenomenon of marrying off girls from southern and eastern Yemen to individuals from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, without knowing the true circumstances of the girls in the destinations to which they are sent.

Activists point out that poverty and worsening hunger are driving many citizens to make ill-considered decisions that go against traditional customs.

This includes accepting marriage proposals for their daughters from individuals of Saudi and Emirati nationalities without knowing the true nature of these individuals.

This is occurring amid growing international reports highlighting widespread sexual exploitation and a lack of respect for human rights in the treatment of foreigners in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

