YEMEN Press Agency

Aden Security forces detain Al-Wahda, Al-Shoula football teams ahead of match

ADEN, Sept. 13 (YPA) – Security checkpoints detained football players from Al-Wahda and Al-Shoula clubs while they were en route to their match scheduled for this evening, Friday, sports sources in Aden reported .

The match was supposed to take place at the Al-Hobishi Stadium, featuring Al-Wahda and Al-Shaula in the semi-final of the second edition of the Aden Capital Cup.

According to the sources, the Security Belt Forces’ checkpoint at the bridge stopped the Al-Wahda team bus, while the Kabuta checkpoint detained the Al-Shoula team bus, which sparked the anger of the fans.

The sources mentioned that the stands had already filled up completely before the match. However, the delay in the teams’ arrival caused frustration among the fans, leading dozens to enter the pitch to protest the delay.

Despite the disruption, the Al-Shoula team bus managed to reach the Al-Hobishi Stadium, albeit late, while the Al-Wahda team bus returned to the club’s headquarters in Sheikh Othman.

It is still unclear why the Al-Wahda and Al-Shoula team buses were obstructed.

